Complaints, reviews, and suggestions

Dear partners, your opinion is very important for our company, in this regard, we kindly ask you to leave any feedback about our work in your personal account.

    • If while working with us, you have any material complaints-please send them to the mail of our complaints department

Correct procedure for filing a complaint:
  1. While collecting cargo from a temporary storage warehouse, you carefully check it for damage.
  2. If any damage is detected, you will fill out a complaint report together with a warehouse employee.
  3. Attention-WHILE the CARGO IS IN THE WAREHOUSE-you make a photo recording of the damaged parts.
  4. Then you send all the photo material to the above email address.
  5. Within 7 working days, you will be contacted by a member of the complaints department to start the proceedings.

Phone number of the complaints department:

Dial our main number (8-423-239-36-06 \ 8-800-301-01-65), then the employee extension number
Extension number of the complints department employee is 106.
Mobile number: +7-994-103-53-48

Go to your personal account!

And you can also use the feedback form on the site. Write to us!